3 Most Dangerous Cities in the World

Due to the stressful life that we are all living, every now and then we all like to change things up a bit by travelling, usually some place exotic for vacation. When you want to take a vacation, you usually plan it for weeks, even months ahead of time, to make sure everything will work out the way you want to. We all take into consideration location, hotel reviews, cost and other things. However, there are some places in the world you should avoid, or be very careful upon reserving your tickets. When it comes to these three cities, take notes, as these are the most dangerous places in the world.
San Pedro Sula, Honduras
San Pedro Sula is one of the most dangerous places in the world. According to statistics, in 2011, the city had 159 homicides per 100,000 residents, which surpassed the previous most dangerous place on Earth for three consecutive years, Ciudad Juarez, in Mexico. These numbers and statistics translated into ordinary English mean that San Pedro Sula is the murder capital of the world with approximately 3 murders a day. What makes it even worse is that murders are not the only thing you should be worried about, for in this city the gang activity is so high that they’ve taken over the businesses of illegal drug trade and arms trafficking. No wonder there are so many murders in a city with so much firearms.
Acapulco, Mexico
Acapulco is one of Mexico’s oldest coastal tourist destinations, reaching prominence in the 1950s as the place where Hollywood stars and millionaires vacationed on the beach in an exotic location. But in modern times, tourists in Acapulco have been facing problems with the local corrupt police who steal money by extortion and intimidate visitors with threats of jail. Other than that, Acapulco is also known as a city with a lot of drug cartel problems. There have been reports of dead bodies everywhere, and if you are at the wrong place at a wrong time, no one can guarantee you won’t end up the same. It may sound fun, all the parties and wild fun, but be advised and be safe if you still want to travel there.
Caracas, Venezuela
Caracas Cathedral is the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Caracas and the Mosque of Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Ibrahim is the second largest mosque in Latin America. For many years it was the biggest. But, don’t be fooled by this city’s apparent religious status, because Venezuela and its capital, Caracas, are reported to both have among the highest per capita murder rates in the world. Most murders and other violent crimes go unsolved. The poor neighborhoods that cover the hills around Caracas are dangerous at all times, and tourists are advised not to go alone, especially at night. Among murders, other violent crimes include street fighting and armed robberies. If you still want to go on a pilgrimage there, it may not be a bad idea to bring an extra Bible.