There has never been anyone more qualified to be US President- Obama makes case for Clinton at DNC

US President, Barack Obama, received a rockstar's response as he arrived at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night, to pass the torch to his former Secretary of State, Democratic Presidential Nominee, Hillary Clinton.
The President reminisced fondly about his first time addressing the convention 12 years ago and his early days in the White House.
Speaking about his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama, he said, "Michelle somehow hasn't aged a day; I know the same cannot be said for me."
Obama elicited giggles from the audience as he stated further, "My girls remind me all the time, wow, you've changed so much, daddy. And then they try to clean it up."
Obama went over his greatest achievements - his health care agreement, the reopening of relations with Cuba, his international climate change agreement, the night he ordered a hit on Osama bin Laden- before moving on to heaping praise on Clinton.
He said the former Secretary of State "keeps her cool, and treats everybody with respect. And no matter how daunting the odds; no matter how much people try to knock her down, she never, ever, quits.
'That's the Hillary I know. That's the Hillary I've come to admire. And that's why I can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman � not me, not Bill, nobody more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as President of the United States of America."
The line was met with cheers.
The US President then lashed out at Clinton's Republican opponent.
"And then there's Donald Trump," he said.
"He cozies up to Putin, praises Saddam Hussein, and tells the NATO allies that stood by our side after 9/11 that they have to pay up if they want our protection."
Trump got under Democrats' skin earlier in the day, when he sent out a tweet inviting Russia to hack Clinton's emails so he could prove she's lying.
The Republican Nominee's shocking endorsement of foreign espionage came after Obama said it's 'possible' Vladimir Putin and his cronies could be trying to influence the November election.
Obama closed out day 3 of the Democratic National Convention, speaking after Clinton's running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, and Vice President Joe Biden.
Mrs. Clinton is scheduled to speak today (Thursday, 28th july, 2016).

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