Wed Feb 22, 2017 02:37:pm Opinion
3.9K By Obiaks Blog
Each day in life comes with its own peculiar challenges, which are either acute or less acute. The nature of these impediments determine the nature of the approach and solution required. Man's natural disposition as a moral being suggest that his actions should take a form that is not detrimental to himself and others, and always act within the ambit of moral stipulations. Knowing what one ought or ought not to do is possible and somewhat accessible in one's conscience through reason. In our global environs lie many contentious issues, ways of living labelled palatable that precipitate moral earthquakes.
Relaxing in the living room, eagerly looking forward to being in the know of burning world issues on a certain news channel, my attention was drawn to a controversy in France. It was reported that an Administrative High Court in France rescinded an earlier legal order that prohibited women from putting on "burkini," especially in the beach. A burkini is basically a swimsuit worn by women to facilitate swimming, surfing or playing in/beside the waters without being unclad. It is in contrast to the common bikini also worn by women in such viccinities that expose most of their body parts and leave little or nothing to the imagination.
Notwithstanding the stock in trade, some women in France (French and non-French) opted for the burkini beach attire for reasons not unrelated to their values. Values are internally chosen principles or philosophy of behaviour/living that essentially enhances one's life, which become externally knowable by exhibition. They chose not to jump on the bandwagon, wore what covered their bodies whilst having a good time. You do not really have to dispose your rudimentary beliefs in the waste bin in order to relax and unwind. Value-based enjoyment is advisable.
One could contend that if my fundamental values approve a certain line of action, it follows that one should live and act it. Although this argument is valid, it becomes unsound when such a cherished life-guide gravitates toward marring one instead of making one. Hence, it becomes needful for you and I to re-assess those deep-seated idiosyncracies, values, ideologies, philosophies, beliefs, perceptions, views we hold dear (no matter how perfect we think they are) and verify their suitability to purposeful living.
Like those courageous women in France, the onus is on us to stand against any current of behaviour or way of life that contradicts our conscience, through words and action. Doing this is paramount especially in this era of widespread assent to same-sex marriage, dishonesty, infidelity, financial mismanagement, malfeasance, oppression of the poor, fraud. Current information says that in Cincinatti, State of Ohio, in the United States of America, one person dies every three hours of hard drugs overdose. What a situation!
It is time to in your own little space react, decide, and act conscientiously. You needn't conform to the popular, peers-approved lifestyle with an undertone of misfortune for your tomorrow. In the Barrack Obama parlance, let's declare thus: To those that foster out-of-place values, we will defeat you! And to those that foster conscientiousness and good values wherever they find themselves, we support you!
Kaycee Naze
(Rational Pen)
Relaxing in the living room, eagerly looking forward to being in the know of burning world issues on a certain news channel, my attention was drawn to a controversy in France. It was reported that an Administrative High Court in France rescinded an earlier legal order that prohibited women from putting on "burkini," especially in the beach. A burkini is basically a swimsuit worn by women to facilitate swimming, surfing or playing in/beside the waters without being unclad. It is in contrast to the common bikini also worn by women in such viccinities that expose most of their body parts and leave little or nothing to the imagination.
Notwithstanding the stock in trade, some women in France (French and non-French) opted for the burkini beach attire for reasons not unrelated to their values. Values are internally chosen principles or philosophy of behaviour/living that essentially enhances one's life, which become externally knowable by exhibition. They chose not to jump on the bandwagon, wore what covered their bodies whilst having a good time. You do not really have to dispose your rudimentary beliefs in the waste bin in order to relax and unwind. Value-based enjoyment is advisable.
One could contend that if my fundamental values approve a certain line of action, it follows that one should live and act it. Although this argument is valid, it becomes unsound when such a cherished life-guide gravitates toward marring one instead of making one. Hence, it becomes needful for you and I to re-assess those deep-seated idiosyncracies, values, ideologies, philosophies, beliefs, perceptions, views we hold dear (no matter how perfect we think they are) and verify their suitability to purposeful living.
Like those courageous women in France, the onus is on us to stand against any current of behaviour or way of life that contradicts our conscience, through words and action. Doing this is paramount especially in this era of widespread assent to same-sex marriage, dishonesty, infidelity, financial mismanagement, malfeasance, oppression of the poor, fraud. Current information says that in Cincinatti, State of Ohio, in the United States of America, one person dies every three hours of hard drugs overdose. What a situation!
It is time to in your own little space react, decide, and act conscientiously. You needn't conform to the popular, peers-approved lifestyle with an undertone of misfortune for your tomorrow. In the Barrack Obama parlance, let's declare thus: To those that foster out-of-place values, we will defeat you! And to those that foster conscientiousness and good values wherever they find themselves, we support you!
Kaycee Naze
(Rational Pen)
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