Our President, Muhammadu Buhari, is a man who detests corruption.  A simple, starched agbada-wearing Fulani man; one would not be wrong to assume that some of Buhari's dearest possession are the Cattle on his Katsina farm.

The President frowns at braggadocios, flamboyant thieves- those who flaunt wealth lavishly, at the expense of the nation. He doesn't just detest them; he has authorized the EFCC to go after them! But while Mr. President is obviously a man of simple tastes, he does have an eye for beautiful things- or may I say beautiful people.Have you seen his wife, Aisha?

At the 2015 inauguration of Muhammadu Buhari, Nigerians got a full glimpse of his family. Ladies drooled over the handsome- and quiet- Yusuf, and guys like Banky W sent out tweets to Zahra. But fine as all the Buhari children are, all eyes were on the woman of the Buhari household i.e. Aisha Buhari. Clad in her native attire and diamond-studded Cartier watch, Aisha Buhari stood proudly by her husband, as he took the oath of office.

Mrs. Buhari is the classic "beauty with brains'woman. She has a Masters' Degree in International Relations and Strategic Studies, while also being a certified cosmetologist. A campaigner for the rights of girls and children, Mrs. Buhari has championed the cause of women in politics, malnourished children in IDP camps, abused children, the girl child, etc. Simply addressed as the wife of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,� she has carried out her duties as First Lady, with poise, class and finesse.

So imagine the surprise in many quarters recently, when one Ekiti politician ruffled the pretty feathers of "classy Aisha" and caused her to utter words the average Nigerian would not have previously attributed to her!

Governor Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti has a long history of making derogatory comments. He usually gets away with them for the most part, until he jammed the wrong person! Fayose made the colossal mistake of linking Mrs. Buhari to the Halliburton scandal. Without checking his facts,  and clouded by the anger of his account frozen by the EFCC- thanks to Aisha's husband- the Ekiti Governor stated- quite boldly and brazenly- that the love of Mr. President's life, had wired money to former US Congressman Jefferson, who was convicted of criminal charges in 2009! All hell suddenly broke loose!

Before Nigerians could ask, what's the current naira-price of a dollar?, Aisha Buhari fired off a series of tweets, calling Fayose an "unchained mad Dog"� and stating that if Buhari at 73 was too old to face him, she was only 45, and would treat his bullsh*t! (Sorry, the paraphrase is mine, I have a thing for exaggerations *laughing out loud*) Anyway, it was not too far from that though!

Nigerians were flabbergasted! Was Buhari's wife's account hacked? Surely, this could not have been "classy Aisha"�. But it was. Mrs. Buhari had taken it up to the chin with Fayose, and she could take it no longer!

I had a very dear friend- �Mama of blessed memory- who used to say to me while we were in the University, Buchi, some people's madness no dey show for face don't mean to infer that Mrs. Buhari has mental problems- not at all- but as my friend Mama always translated, just because someone always looks calm and composed, does not mean you should pick unnecessary fights with them; because one day, you will buy market(Forgive me again; I can't hide my Niger Delta roots.)

But before we judge Mrs. Buhari- as some were quick to do- we must also judge ourselves. Do we really take every insult lying low especially those of astronomical magnitudes that have the potential to greatly tarnish our image? I bet the answer is NO. Mrs. Buhari simply acted like what most of us are (I cannot speak for everyone though) - human beings with limits!

Fayose has not uttered one more word about Aisha Buhari since then. Even though the 7days ultimatum given by the First Lady for him to retract his erroneous comments or face legal consequences has elapsed, the Governor has been uncharacteristically quiet on that front! I guess he has found out that being classy does not mean one is docile; so you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, and should always check yourself (and check your facts) before you wreck yourself!

Finally, as I heard someone say recently, some talk is for the kitchen.  Leave that sh*t in the oven, so you don't play yourself!�  Full-time score: Fayose, zero; Aisha Buhari, one.  I can see Mr. President cheering loudly!

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