1,000 Chinese Scammers Arrested Inside A House In Malaysia

It was a busy Wednesday for Malaysian Immigration Department officials after they raided and arrested 1,000 Chinese nationals believed to be part of the largest online scam syndicate operating in the country.
Taking to their Facebook account to share the details of the bust, officials say that the group was operating out of an office in the university-slash-tech town of Cyberjaya, just outside of the Malaysian capital. A press conference on the raid is expected later today, but videos have been widely shared across Facebook over the last 24 hours. In one clip, an individual appears to be evading police by jumping out of an office block window. (He gets up afterwards, but definitely looks a little worse for wear.) Another clip taken from a nearby building appears to show scores of people running from the raid, fleeing down the city’s wide streets. Another video shows an officer grabbing and wrestling back one of the individuals attempting to escape.