Genital mutilation results in prostitution, mortality among women

The need to avoid the Female Genital Mutilation has again been emphasied. This was said by the National President of African Committee on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C), Prof. Modupe Onadeko.She said that female genital mutilation (circumcision) is responsible for the increasing number of prostitutes and mortality among women during child birth.

Onadeko, a retired Professor of Medicine from the University of Ibadan (UI) said research revealed that 95 per cent of prostitutes in Nigeria had their female organs mutilated through circumcision.

She explained that any cut on the female genital organ is harmful and a violation of her rights, calling for the implementation of laws against the practice while states which have not enacted such laws should do so.

She spoke at a workshop in Osogbo, Osun State organised by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Information on the theme: �Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting and Abandonment in Nigeria'.
Onadeko said that the prevalence of the mutilation is high in Osun State with 77 per cent prevalence followed by Ebonyi, 74 per cent; Ekiti, 72 per cent and Imo 68 per cent.
She noted that the worst of the mutilation is the infibulations type where the girl child or woman has her genitalia scrapped, stitched and only a small hole left for urination and menstruation.

The Don explained that the cutting accounts for the series of protracted labour and ultimate complications in child delivery include VVF and had in many cases resulted in deaths.

"There is no need for cutting any parts of the body of any person except for medical reason. In the case of these mutilations, they are done in re�spect or obedience to culture and traditions. In some cases, these children are held down by able bodied men or women for them to be cut; their bodies/face are cut with unhygienic implements to give marks so that no other family can claim them"�, she said.

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