Carrie Underwood reveals she suffered three miscarriages in two years

Carrie Underwood is the latest celebrity to come forward to reveal she has devastatingly suffered three miscarriages.

The singer is currently pregnant with her second child, and is mother to son Isaiah, three, with husband Mike Fisher, but she has revealed her struggle to get to this point.

�I'd kind of planned that 2017 was, you know, going to be the year that I work on new music, and I have a baby,' Carrie told CBS Sunday Morning. �We got pregnant early 2017, and didn't work out.'

The 35-year-old turned to her faith to get her through, and tried to put her heartbreak down to bad timing.

�And that was the thing, in the beginning, it was like, "Okay, God, we know this is, just wasn't Your timing. And that is all right. We will bounce back and figure our way through it."�

But sadly, she went on to suffer a second miscarriage in 2017 and a third in 2018.

�At that point, it was just kind of like, "Okay, like, what's the deal? What is all of this?"� she said.

Carrie added though that she tried hard not to allow herself to feel anger at the situation: �Because we are so blessed. And my son, Isaiah, is the sweetest thing. And he's the best thing in the world.

�And I'm like, "If we can never have any other kids, that's okay, because he's amazing." And I have this amazing life. Like, really, what can I complain about? I can't. I have an incredible husband, incredible friends, an incredible job, an incredible kid. Can I be mad? No.'

But the crack in her resolve came when she got pregnant for a fourth time, and feared she'd suffer another miscarriage.

�I got mad,' she confessed, adding that she asked God why this was happening.

�And for the first time, I feel like I actually I told God how I felt,' she said. �That was like a Saturday � and the Monday I went to the doctor to, like, confirm, another miscarriage. And they told me everything was great!

�He heard me.'

Her heartfelt revelations come just days after actor James Van Der Beek revealed his wife had suffered three miscarriages, and Backstreet Boys' Nick Carter took to Twitter to tell fans he and his wife had lost a baby too.

James told his followers: �Wanted to say a thing or two about miscarriages� of which we've had three over the years (including right before this little beauty),' he wrote beside a picture of him and his wife with their three-month-old Gwendolyn.

�First off � we need a new word for it. "Mis-carriage", in an insidious way, suggests fault for the mother � as if she dropped something, or failed to "carry." From what I've learned, in all but the most obvious, extreme cases, it has nothing to do with anything the mother did or didn't do. So let's wipe all blame off the table before we even start.'

�Second� it will tear you open like nothing else. It's painful and it's heartbreaking on levels deeper than you may have ever experienced,' he continued.

�So don't judge your grief, or try to rationalise your way around it. Let it flow in the waves in which it comes, and allow it it's rightful space. And then� once you're able� try to recognise the beauty in how you put yourself back together differently than you were before.'


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