Emmanuel Okechukwu Ugboaja: The Game Changer

Barister Emmanuel Ugboaja is a born-again Christian. A fresh face, with the impetus to represent Bendel Federal constituency.
Today, Emma is set on addressing years of systematic and unmitigated social and economic marginalization of the people of south east Nigeria. Marginalization because of the political "dwarf-ness" of our present crop of leaders. Emmanuel has spent years preparing for this moment in history. His qualification speaks for itself. he is trusted and respected. Emmanuel is  a proud son of Bende and strongly believes that Nigeria can be salvaged.

Bio data
Emmanuel Okechukwu Ugboaja, Esq. Lawyer, and Labor activist from Nkpa, Bende LGA

  • Assistant Secretary General Nigeria labor Congress
  • happily married and blessed with children
  • widely traveled, articulate, cerebral, public speaker, passionate humanitarian and philanthropist
  • A delegate to the national constitution/political reform conference 2005 under president Olushegun Obasanjo
  • A delegate to the National constitutional Conference 2014 under president Goodluck Jonathan.
  • African Delegate to the World Social Forum Porto Alegre, Brazil 2003
  • African Delegate to World Social Forum Mumbai, India 2005.
  • Nigerian representative in an exchange program on productivity improvement 2013
  • Nigerian delegate to international Labor Organization Congress Geneva Switzerland, 2012
  • Regular contributor to mass discussion and debate on development issues

Emma is running for bende Federal constituency because he believes that bende needs leadership that leaves no one behind. We must solve our challenges with bold and innovative ideas. Without these ideas and a real plan for progress, we cannot utilize governments capacity to help people when they need it. We cannot let the tired ideas of the past slow us down. Primary issues to be tackled includes:
  • unemployed and under employed youth relegated to a life as a second class citizen in their own country
  • citizens who have have difficulties making daily ends meet
  • bende indigenes who has lost sense of belonging
  • lack of basic education, limited access to proper medical attention
Emma believes the role of government is to level the playing field for all people and create equal opportunity.
As a bende mouthpiece , Emma will speak truth to power

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