Ryanair cabin crew worker's leg broken by food cart during landing

A Ryanair cabin crew attendant suffered a broken leg after being struck by a catering cart which had raced down the centre aisle of a plane during landing.

The man saw the cart hurtling towards him and raised in knees in anticipation of the impact, according to the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB).

He then attempted to stand up but collapsed to the floor due to his injuries.

After the Boeing 737 aircraft came to a standstill at London Stansted, the airport's emergency response team took the man away on a stretcher before he was transported to a local hospital.

The plane was being positioned from Cologne to Stansted without passengers on December 2 last year after being previously diverted to the German city due to poor weather while en route to Eindhoven.

It is not known how the catering cart became dislodged from its position in the rear galley, but an engineering check found no fault with its safety latch.

The injured man was supposed to sit in the galley at the rear of the cabin, but took a seat at the front instead.

Aviation rules state that cabin crew must sit in their assigned seats for take off and landing.

The AAIB concluded that if the victim had sat in his assigned place then he �might have seen the catering cart become insecure and been able to prevent it from moving'.

He told investigators that the catering carts �appeared to be secure' before he moved to the front of the plane.

Another cabin crew attendant due to sit in the galley was invited into the cockpit to observe the landing.

Ryanair circulated a memo to all its crews reminding them of the procedures to be followed during positioning flights.

An airline spokesman said: �We have noted this report which contains no safety recommendations.'


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