Houthi celebrates death of Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen, calls him a traitor

- Houthi celebrates death of Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen, calls him a traitor.

- Saleh was under siege at his home for two days before he was eventually killed as he tried to escape.

- The former Yemeni President had previously denounced Houthi and made favourable statements regarding the Saudi coalition.
Houthi fighters in Yemen have praised the killing of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh saying that it was punishment for his treasonous and traitorous acts.

Saleh was killed on Monday by Houthi fighters - his former allies - and his death is considered a "very big blow" to his forces, said Hakim al-Masmari, editor-in-chief of the Yemen Post.

"His house has been under siege for the last two days and today they attacked the house. He escaped � he was found in a vehicle that had clashed with Houthi checkpoint forces," he told Al Jazeera from Yemen's capital, Sanaa.

"This is where he was killed along with a number of his senior aides."

Sales who led Yemen for around 30 years recently made a televised speech where he called on Saudi Arabia to lift the blockade on his country also openly denounced affiliation with Houthi and stated he was open to dialogue with the Saudis.

Although the move by Saleh was praised by Saudi Arabia, the Houthi rebels tagged him a traitor and the move a coup.

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