8 Types of Bad Handshakes

Ask anyone if they’ve ever had a bad handshake and you will most likely see them laugh and give a vivid description. It’s surprising how long we remember a bad one. Yet since we shake hands so many times in the normal business week, why do so many people shake hands badly?

According to Entrepreneur.com you have one shot at a first impression, so don’t ruin it up with a bad handshakes. So, which are the examples of bad handshakes?

The limp shake

This handshake gives the impression that you’re shy, uninterested or lack self-confidence. Apply moderate pressure when shaking someone’s hand and this will give an impression that you are bold and confident. When in doubt, try to mirror the other person’s grip.

The wet shake

The single most efficient way to make a very bad first impression is offering a cold, wet handshake. Always hold your beverage in your left hand and keep your right hand free for handshaking, especially during networking events. This will give the other person a very good impression of you.

The terminator shake

This painful handshake can be an instant turn off in all human endeavour, be it business or otherwise. Crushing someone’s fingers or twisting your wrist so that your hand is on top is a sign of dominance. Your grip should be no harder than what you would use to turn a door handle. It will always give the resilient an eerie feeling about you, making them to limit association with you and your business as much as possible.

The pump handle shake

There’s no need to grab someone’s hand and repeatedly pump it up and down. Send your hand in for the shake, pump one or two times, hold for a second, then release. This spells self control, respect and civility and it can encourage the other person to want to draw nearer and transact business.

The look-away shake

If you’ve ever shaken hands with someone who’s looking around the room for their next introduction, you’ve experienced the look-away shake. Never let your eyes wander, no matter how tempting the distraction. Make the all-in connection between eyes and hands and this will boost communication.

The fingertip shake

If you’re going to shake, then shake well using your palm and not your fingertips. Offering just your fingertips is like baking a cake halfway. It offers the same ingredients, but it’s much less satisfying.

 The big squeeze shake

If you linger while holding on to someone’s hand and add periodic squeezes, it can be wholly uncomfortable, on many levels. A proper handshake only lasts a couple of seconds.

The fist bump

This is when two or more people make a fist and bump each other with their knuckles as a way of saying hello. A study by the American Journal of Infection Control shows that handshakes transmit about 10 times more bacteria than fist bumps, but the fist bump will never take the place of a nice firm handshake that is the symbol of good manners and social confidence.

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